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Amazing programs for where you are now!

8 Week Programs for your pregnancy $119.99

1st trimester

Awesome Description with some great points.

2nd trimester

Awesome Description with some great points.

3rd trimester

Awesome Description with some great points.

save by buying the bundle

24 weeks covered

Awesome Description with some great points.

all 40 weeks bundle

Awesome Description with some great points.


What is your education and/or certification?

Been a Personal Trainer/Nutrition Coach for almost 10 years now. Working with Pre and Postnatal clients for almost 3 years. I’m certified through NASM.

Do you have any specialty certifications?

Corrective Exercise Specialist, Women’s Fitness Specialist, Behavior Change Specialist, Performance Enhancement Specialist, MMA Conditioning Specialist, Pre-natal and Post natal Specialist

What is your philosophy on health and fitness?

My philosophy is that health and fitness should always be a part of your life. Knowing the basics of moving your body keeps you in motion for longer. Not only does it keep your body going for longer, it also keeps your mind going. I believe that everyone should receive some education, whether it is from a textbook or someone that you know that is knowledgeable in the topic.

How do you develop your workout plans?

My workout plans are tailored towards each individuals needs and goals. Have a restriction, due to a past injury or medical reason, don’t worry…there is always modifications that can be made to get you to your goals.

Do you only offer personal 1:1 training or do you have programs?

I have both available. Pre-made workouts (e-books) that are available all the time to those that just need a plan when stepping into the gym. *These are not tailored to your specific goals. Custom programs (1-on-1) for those that have a more detailed goal and need help achieving that goal. Also, with my customized programs there is always 24/7 chat available.

Are you comfortable working with clients who have injuries or medical conditions?

Yes absolutely! I have worked with numerous clients that have limitations due to injuries or medical conditions.

Active Young Mother And Baby

Ready for change? ready to feel good in your body?

Book a Consult Today! Find out how Emma can help you , regardless of where you are in your Momma Journey.

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